Our Products
It's Your Move
The finished canvas measures 11" x 17.7" and has been designed using wonderful hues of Appleton's hyacinth tapestry wool (9 colors) or a rich range of DMC tapestry wools, going from a light mauve through to a deep violet (7 colors).
We recommend Zweigart penelope canvas, 10 holes per inch, also known as 10 count, 15" x 22". The actual size of the art is 11" x 17.7". (This canvas size allows for a 2" border around the work, for stretching and finishing.)
It's Your Move is available as a kit, for $119.00 Cdn or $84.00 U.S. The pattern only sells for $18.00 Cdn or $13.00 U.S.
It's Your Move can be finished either framed as wall art, or made up as a cushion.